Corin Kennington

  • Corin Kennington is an artist and designer, best known for his bold, hand-painted murals.

    With a background in sign-painting, he references letterforms throughout his artwork, exploring the abstraction and detailing of type found in his everyday surroundings.

    His studio work consists of detailed pieces that play with light and texture. These artworks explore type as shapes and forms as opposed to legible and functional letters or words.

  • Founder of Cover All, a team specialising in hand painting lettering, he has worked on large-scale mural commissions for clients such as Adidas, Camden Brewery and London Zoo.

    Corin’s artworks are available as reverse painted glass, painted paper studies, and limited edition screen prints.

  • What has been a stand out exhibition for inspiration?

    Harland Miller, at The White Cube. Lovely use of type at a large scale

  • What's the project you're most proud of?

    The 450 square meter building I painted in Delhi, India. Amazing experience 

  • What's the one thing in the art industry that's not talked about, which you think should be?

    Your intellectual rights as an artist to protect commercial exploitation 

  • What would your alternative career be?

    Something a little more meaningful than spending my days obsessing over the compositions of things. Either environmental or charity based

  • Your go-to tea/coffee mug is…

    A white porcelain builders mug 

  • The object that holds the most sentimental value to you is…

    My hard drive. So many photos and memories all in one place

  • The teenage object of your affection was…

    My skateboard

  • The most beautiful object you possess is…

    My studio Adana Letterpress

  • Your most treasured second-hand or thrifted find is…

    My bicycle

  • The building that takes your breath away is…

    Majorelle Gardens, Morocco

  • My favourite independent shop is…

    Trick question. Caelo of course

  • Money is no object. The artwork you would most like to own is…

    A James Turrel light installation. Could really zone out after a long days work

  • The house is on fire. The one object you grab on the way out is..

    Not technically an object, but definitely my cat

  • Every home must have..

    Dimmable app controlled lightbulbs - game changers
